Register for Camp!
Summer Camp is Sold Out!
We're sorry - we are all sold out!
If a spot becomes available, we will notify you in order of our waiting list!
Still Need to Pay for Camp? (We will email and let you know!)
To Mail: Send Cash or Check (made out to One Eleven Theatre Co) to:
One Eleven Theatre Company
111 NE Jackson St,
Grants Pass, OR 97526.
Online: Pay online with your credit card by clicking the PayPal button below. please specify which type of payment you've done on your registration form.
Financial Aid Application Form
Financial Aid Spots are Full! We filled up a lot sooner than we thought! You will hear back from us by the end of May. We are happy to be able to offer a limited amount of half scholarships!
Still need to submit your payment of $125?
To Mail Payment: Send Cash or Check to One Eleven Theatre Company: 111 NE Jackson St, Grants Pass, OR 97526 (Or drop off through the mail slot)
To Pay Online: Pay online with your credit card by clicking the PayPal button below. Please specify which type of payment you've done on your registration form.
You will be notified by email regarding your application status by June 1st.
Note: If your financial application is not approved, you will be offered a refund or you can choose to pay the second $125 to stay registered for camp.